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来源:瑞奇阀门 2018-02-25 15:22:03      点击:

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯2月9日伦敦报道,美国国会周五早些时候批准了一项为期两年的预算协议,协议授权在今后的10年里从战略石油储备中出售1亿桶原油以及授权在本财政年度内出售另外3.5亿美元的政府所有的原油。



李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯


US Congress approves budget, selling off more than 100 million barrels of government oil

Congress early Friday approved a two-year budget agreement which mandates the sale of 100 million barrels of crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve within a decade and authorizes sales of another $350 million of government-owned crude this fiscal year.

The House of Representatives passed the legislation by a 240-186 vote after the Senate approved it by a 71-28 vote early Friday.

The budget deal, which will boost federal spending by nearly $300 billion, calls for a total of 30 million barrels of crude to be sold from the SPR in fiscal 2022 through 2025, 35 million barrels to be sold in fiscal 2026, and 35 million barrels in fiscal 2027.
