斯伦贝谢和Subsea 7谈判组建合资企业
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斯伦贝谢和Subsea 7谈判组建合资企业

来源:瑞奇阀门 2018-02-27 11:29:01      点击:

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社2月23日休斯敦报道,全球最大的油田技术公司美国斯伦贝谢公司和英国著名油田服务公司Subsea 7公司23日宣布,两家公司日前已进入旨在组建一个合资企业的排他性谈判。

两家公司表示,这个合资企业将建立在2015年成立的水下一体化联盟(Subsea Integration Alliance)的成功的基础上,这个联盟目前把斯伦贝谢公司旗下的OneSubsea公司的水下专长、海底生产系统和水下处理系统与Subsea 7的海底控制管缆、立管和出油管系统能力结合在一起。


Subsea 7的一名发言人对媒体记者说,两家公司希望在今年年底前完成组建合资企业的谈判。

李峻 编译自


Schlumberger, Subsea 7 in Negotiations to Form Joint Venture

Schlumberger and Subsea 7 S.A. announced Friday that they have entered into exclusive negotiations to form a joint venture (JV).

The companies said the JV would build on the success of the Subsea Integration Alliance, established in 2015, which currently combines the subsurface expertise, subsea production systems and subsea processing systems of Schlumberger’s OneSubsea with the subsea umbilical, riser and flowline systems capability of Subsea 7.

The proposed joint venture, which would be owned 50 percent by Subsea 7 and 50 percent by Schlumberger, would ‘further strengthen’ the front-end engineering, design and execution of integrated projects, according to a joint statement.

The companies hope to complete the negotiations before the end of the year, a Subsea 7 spokesperson told Rigzone.
