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来源:瑞奇阀门 2018-02-25 15:22:03      点击:

中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博社斯塔万格2月9日报道,挪威石油理事会(NPD)已授予挪威国家石油公司用于井16/1-29 S的一份钻井许可证,,参阅《资源管理规定》第15条款。

井16/1-29 S钻井作业将使用位于东经58°58’ 22.23’’,北纬02°17’ 44.15”的深海卑尔根号半潜式钻井设施。

井16/ 1-29 S的钻井项目涉及生产许可证167中的一口初探井。挪威国家石油公司(Statoil Petroleum)是一家拥有80%股权的运营商,而挪威伦丁AS公司则是拥有20%股权的被许可方。PL . 167于1991年3月1日(第13轮)颁发。


蔡小全 编译自 彭博社


Statoil granted drilling permit for wildcat on Norway's PL 167

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) has granted Statoil Petroleum AS a drilling permit for well 16/1-29 S, cf. Section 15 of the Resource Management Regulations.

Well 16/1-29 S will be drilled from the Deepsea Bergen drilling facility at position 58°58’ 22.23’’ north and 02°17’ 44.15” east.

The drilling program for well 16/1-29 S relates to the drilling of a wildcat well in Production License 167.

Statoil Petroleum AS is the operator with an ownership interest of 80%, while Lundin Norway AS is a licensee with an ownership interest of 20%.

PL 167 was awarded on March 1, 1991 (13th round).

The area in this production licence is located in the central part of the North Sea, and consists of the eastern part of block 16/1.

The well will be drilled just northeast of Ivar Aasen field.

This is the sixth exploration well to be drilled in the licence.