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来源:瑞奇阀门 2018-03-14 09:50:07      点击:

中国石化新闻网讯 据ONG网站3月12日沙特胡拜尔市报道,Ardiseis是阿拉伯地球物理和测量公司(ARGAS)的一家子公司,中东的地震勘测采集专家,其技术合作伙伴法国地球物理公司(CGG),已经宣布成功地完成了世界上最高密度的陆上或近海的宽带地震勘测调查。


为了实现以与传统土地收购相媲美的速度和成本生产数据所需的超高生产率的收购,Ardise首次在埃及部署了CGG的无约束混合采集技术(Unconstrained Blended Acquisition technology)。



阿帕奇(Apache)的埃及地区勘探经理Joe Versfelt说:“自从2004年阿帕奇被授予西卡拉布沙租借区以来,已经发现了19个油田,目前的生产能力超过5.5万桶/日。

阿拉伯地球物理和测量公司(ARGAS)成立于1966年,是由沙特阿拉伯的工业化和能源服务公司(TAQA)和法国地球物理总公司 (CGG)合资成立的。



蔡小全 编译自 ONG


Ardiseis and CGG complete key high-density seismic survey

Ardiseis, a subsidiary of the Arabian Geophysical and Surveying Company (ARGAS), the Middle East’s seismic acquisition specialist, and its technology partner, CGG, have announced the successful completion of the world’s highest-density broadband seismic survey ever acquired onshore or offshore.

Apache set Ardiseis the ambitious challenge of delivering reservoir characterization-ready broadband seismic data from a 2,000-sq-km, ultra-dense survey,two-to-three times denser than any survey acquired to date worldwide.

To achieve the ultra-high productivity acquisition required to produce the data at a comparable pace and cost to conventional land acquisition, Ardiseis deployed CGG’s proprietary Unconstrained Blended Acquisition technology for the first time in Egypt.

This technique optimises field operations to the extreme, with a large fleet of vibrators operating simultaneously and independently from each other non-stop.

CGG successfully deblended the data by running its proprietary sophisticated deblending algorithm on its massive computing resources.

Joe Versfelt, Apache’s Egypt region exploration manager, said: 'Since Apache was awarded the West Kalabsha concession in 2004, 19 oil fields have been discovered and production capacity is currently over 55,000 bpd and growing.

ARGAS was established in 1966 as a joint venture between the Industrialization & Energy Services Company (TAQA) of Saudi Arabia and Compagnie Générale de Géophysique (CGG) of France.

Throughout its 50-year history seismic data acquisition has been at the heart of its business.

Until 2007, ARGAS specialized in 2D and 3D land acquisition in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
