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来源:瑞奇阀门 2018-03-12 10:03:22      点击:

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯3月8日新加坡报道,由于位于美国墨西哥湾的几个装载终端在今后的几年里将处理大型重油油轮,除了有竞争性的现货价格指标以外,从美国到亚洲的更低运输成本可能向亚洲的炼油企业提供继续购买美国原油的更多理由。




李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯


Cheaper US crude loading logistics likely to lure more Asian buyers

Apart from competitive spot price indications, lower cost of oil transportation from the US Gulf Coast to the Far East could provide Asian refiners with more reason to shop for US crude oil going forward, as a few loading terminals in the USGC expect to handle large dirty tankers in the coming years.

The successful VLCC crude loading operation at the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port last month would further boost Asian end-users' interest in US crude as logistics costs could be cut significantly, industry sources said.

Shell was responsible for the recent VLCC loading of crude at the LOOP terminal and the new logistics option will set the tone for US-Asia crude flows to become the "new normal," Mark Quartermain, vice president of crude trading and supply at the oil major said at the S&P Global Platts Asian Refining Summit in Singapore Thursday.

In addition, the outlook for more upgrades in various crude loading terminals in the USGC over the coming years would also draw plenty of Asian buyers' interest, Daniel Ahn, deputy chief economist at the US Department of State, said on the sidelines of the Platts event.
